Earthing – Vitamin G for Health: Why You Need to Stay Grounded

Just as we have seen the importance of being out in the daylight absorbing the sun’s natural powerful rays of Vitamin D for our physical health and mental wellbeing.

So too do we need to absorb minerals from the Earth, Mother Earth, benefiting from the earth’s Vitamin G for Ground!


“is the practice of walking on the earth barefoot to ‘return home’ connecting with the Earth’s conductive surface promoting stability and peace”

Earthing is based on knowledge gained from earthing science and grounding physics. Together they demonstrate the therapeutic aspects of electrically reconnecting you to the Earth, realigning your electrical energy.

How many times have you naturally just taken off your shoes to connect with the earth, the grass, mud or sand?   Perhaps you’ve seen groups of people barefoot walking around, hugging trees and singing kumbaya, or beating drums singing Hare Krishna!

Also like I keep advocating to anyone who cares to listen, it is also important to balance not just the masculine energy within us but, feminine energy too, aka Moor Yoni!

We already understand that the powerful sun, symbolic of male energy which provides us with vital healing but so too does the subtleties of the (moon) and mother earth and not just in the food she supplies.

Some of us rarely touch the earth anymore, remember our ancestors who walked regularly barefoot?  Personally I believe they were way more balanced and aligned naturally than we are now.  With our fancy shoes and expensive non-conducive rubber or plastic shoe soles, plus parkay flooring, never fully connecting  to the earth, never ‘grounding’.  Plus being surrounded by more high rises, buildings and electrical powerhouses disturbing our natural frequencies.

Anyway…I was researching some excellent articles which highlighted the importance of us earthing regularly for our health which I will summarise below;

  1. Earthing allows us to receive Mother Earth’s natural healing frequencies (through free electrons) which charge our bodies and reduce electrical imbalances within the body.

This is why we maybe unknowingly becoming more vulnerable and prone to dysfunction within the body and suffering from symptom of accelerated aging.

  1. Constant exposure to electric energy gadgets, phones, Wifi, Bluetooth and many electromagnetic waves, microwaves, radio waves close to our head builds up charged energy which decreases the body’s electric system.

A build-up of positive energy may increase ‘free radicals’ in the body which are actually postive charged ions that cause oxidative stress and may accelerate aging. Just like static energy that builds up in the body, you know those short electrical shocks we receive every now and then when we touch metal.

  1. Direct contact with earth produces a negative charge of energy that promote health and wellbeing as the earth is able to neutralise these positive charged electrons (from electrical gadgets etc), balancing the body and helping us feel better.
  1. There are numerous studies that suggest health benefits of earthing, such as a decrease in inflammation, chronic pain, increase in energy, improved circulation, improved biological rhythm (including circadian rhythm), increased body healing, muscle damage and mood.

So when you’re next out in nature, take off your shoes and reconnect with Mother Earth and boost your grounding with the following tips;

  •  Try some deep breathing or my 5min meditation visualizing and intentionally drawing the positive energy through the soles of your feet and balancing this with a few yoga postures (such as Sun Salutations, Warrior & Tree Pose).
  • Consume foods and drink high in electrolytes such as celery, spinach and coconut water.
  • Carry some Shunghite crystals near your electric devices or wear them close to you to protect against electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) harmonising the body.
  • I also know a  wonderful siStar and practitioner Abi Osho who runs grounding retreats where you can run around barefoot grounding in a group!

So family, don’t forget to balance your body with some Vitamin G and for more Holistic Wellness you can join my next Master Class on ‘The Power of 9: 9 Steps to Wellbeing.

Moor Wellness Moor Love

Naomi x

Ps. This blog was written whilst soaking my feet in a Epsom & Himalayan Salt foot bath with Peppermint and Tea Tree Aromatherapy oil!!

Don’t forget the feet  with over 7,000 nerves is a vital organ to draw out toxins and absorb the many nutrients needed for the body such as Magnesium, improving circulation and reduce swelling perfect for relaxation after a long hard day!

#feet #energypoints #chakra #reflexology #rootofhealth #healing #balance #align #frequencies